Author: S.T. Lore
Client: Werkplaats Typografie
Designer: Robert Milne
Pages: 80
Format: 210 x 160, Risograph Book Signatures
Year: 2016
This trio of projects takes the form of three 16 page offset book signatures (1/3) generated to assume their own production economy. Researched loosely around global economies, speculation, transaction, marginalism, market, black market, credits, auction, property/patent, ownership, and currency these three fictional stories were composed by author S.T.Lore in Sydney, Australia in consultation with the typeset designer Robert Milne at the Werkplaats Typografie Group. The individual book signatures were then typeset and printed before being sold and distributed at the New York Art Book Fair 2015, The Print Room, Rotterdam and the Werkplaats Typografie End of Year Show on Saturday, 25th of June, 2016 at Radio Kootwijk in National Park Hoge Veluwe.
*Any revenue collected in sales allows further chapters to be compiled and subsequently collected before being bound into a completed reader anthology.
Purchase here
ANCIENT SEEDS OF FORTUNE — New York Art Book Fair 2015
Blurb: "International Trade Lawyer Solomon Digby Ryan suffering the classical symptoms of corporate burnout (erratic nocturnal habits, seborrheic skin conditions) stumbles upon the unfortunate death reports of a Japanese Bacterial Plant Pathologist during a routine trade investigation. Influencing the import / export practices of the global apple trade these disturbing accounts cause SRR to question the impact of his own actions on a larger bureaucratic system. In the next 24 hours he uncovers an abandoned model of the Keynesian System and learns how individual actions have a virulent, lasting power.
A SOFT DEPARTURE — Downtown Paper, Detroit MI, USA
Blurb: 'Mass employment in the personal encryption, computer data collation and demographic marketing analysis industries have given rise to a society of individuals frozen in emotional response. Trapped inside this population riddled with autistic spectrum and dementia-like symptoms this dark tale tracks an encounter between a man and a woman desperately trying to preserve the final strands of human face recognition in a robotic state vacuum of surveillance.
3AM ETERNAL — Radio Kootwijk, Netherlands
Blurb: 'Online contact is suddenly re-established with a disappeared location scout who mysteriously vanished in January 2001 during an eight-day film location visit to an abandoned site in the Veluwe — located in an isolated woodland area in the province of Gelderland, The Netherlands. Tracking the fragments of archived interviews with the Scout an amateur music journalist is gradually able to reconstruct the specific events that took place that day.
*A soundtrack accompanies the final text including original field recordings and audio collages from Australian recording duo MALAKAT.
*Detail of the facade of Radio Kootwijk in the province of Gelderland, The Netherlands